1 in a Million Campaign

Raising Awareness of Youth Suicide


1 in a million kids
  • Help Youth Suicide Awareness 9% 9%

Our children are each 1 in a Million but the sad reality is that far too many of them don’t see themselves that way. Currently, in the US, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people.

We want you to be 1 of a Million to give $5 to help us reach teens so that they can each see and Go for the Gold in their life and future.

Suicide rates are higher among teens who have experienced violence, including child abuse, bullying, or sexual violence. On the other hand, rates are lower among teens who feel connected to their family and supported by their community. Go for the Gold is a non-profit that works with high-school students. We teach teens skills for health relationships including how to set healthy boundaries to keep them safe, deal with bullying, and be empowered to get the support they need during difficult situations.

Sports World sends professional athletes to share personal life experiences with students, helping them to recognize the consequences of their choices while challenging them with The Message of Hope. Our focus at Sports World is to help students see the value of making positive choices in their life. We are also here to come alongside teachers and administrators, reinforcing what they are already teaching. Our focus is not to create shame for making bad decisions, but to show students they can choose a better way. As our tagline says… “You’re not born a Winner; You’re not born a Loser; You’re born a CHOOSER.”