Go for the Gold Scholarship Award

Help a student receive $1000 to support their academic future!

Nominate a student today!

Do you know a high school Senior who will be attending a university, college or trade school next Fall? Do they demonstrate outstanding character, leadership ability and academic achievement? If so, nominate them to be considered for the Go for the Gold Scholarship Award!

Help a student Go for the Gold!

Scholarship Nomination

Complete the application to nominate a student for the Go for the Gold Scholarship Award

Nominator Information


Student Nominee Information

Name of school and area of study
Grade Point Average or other demonstration of Academic Achievements
Please share a detailed account of the nominee’s character and integrity.
Please describe how the nominee has displayed leadership ability in the classroom or in the community.
In 200 words or less, please share any compelling stories about the nominee (For example, a nominee may have impacted their peers in a positive way, have overcome a personal challenge, persevered through the rigors of high school, overcame challenges of economically disadvantaged area or be a first-generation college-bound student, etc.) If the nominee participated in the Go for the Gold program at school, please ask the nominee how the program impacted their decision making and their view on relationships.
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Scholarship Guidelines

The Go for the Gold Scholarship Award was established in 2023 and is made possible through the generosity of our Go for the Gold program supporters and Marriage Works! Ohio. The award is designed to recognize Dayton area high school seniors for their outstanding character, leadership ability and academic achievement.

The Scholarship will reward the exemplary academic performance, character and integrity and leadership ability represented by a high school senior planning to enter full-time an accredited university, college or trade school.

We are committed to supporting and celebrating the diversity of outstanding students from Dayton area high schools.


1- $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student that is a senior attending a Dayton or surrounding area high school. The award will be made solely based on merit.

The $1,000 scholarship is payable directly to the awardee’s university, college or trade school. The award will be paid out in one payment and can be applied to tuition, room and board, fees, and other costs as determined by the student’s university, college or trade school.


In order for a student to be eligible for this scholarship, he or she must be nominated by a teacher, coach or administrator (of the school in which the student is currently enrolled.) All entries submitted for consideration must be completed online by a teacher, coach or administrator by visiting this page and completing the application. Teachers, coaches and administrators may nominate multiple students. The students must meet the following criteria

  1. The student must be enrolled as a full time high school student within 30 miles of Dayton, Ohio and scheduled to graduate in the spring of 2025.
  2. The student must be planning to pursue a college or trade school degree and be enrolled in college or trade school in the fall of 2025.
  3. The student must demonstrate high scholastic achievement (for example, a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 GPA scale or a “B” or above average.)
  4. The student must be nominated by a teacher, coach or administrator on or before January 31, 2025.

Judging and Selection Process

Each nomination submitted on or before January 31, 2025 will be reviewed and judged based in the following categories. A score of 1-10 will be assessed by judges based on the content submitted on the nomination application. Each category is weighed as noted and a total score will be tallied for each student. The top student will be selected to receive the scholarship. In the event of a tie, the G.P.A. may be used by the judges to determine the final winner. All decisions are within the sole discretion of the judges and Marriage Works! Ohio.


Outstanding Character & Integrity (20%):
Student nominee must conduct themselves, both in and out of school, in a manner that demonstrates a high level of character and integrity to themselves and their peers.

Leadership Ability (20%):
Student nominee must be a proven leader in academics, school, and community.

Academic Achievement (20%):
Student nominee must demonstrate high scholastic achievement (For example a 3.0 on a 4.0 GPA scale or “B” average, etc.) In addition, consideration shall be given for achievement in athletics, the arts or other extracurricular activity in which the student has used theses platforms as a means of relating to others in a positive manner.

A Compelling Story (40%):
Student nominee must have a compelling story to share. For example, nominee may have impacted their peers in a positive way, overcome a personal challenge, persevered through the rigors of high school, overcome the challenge of an economically disadvantaged area or be the first-generation college bound student, etc.


Winner will be notified in person by March 1, 2025. Winner will be asked to participate in photos, video testimony and attend an Elizabeth’s New Life Center Partnership Dinner to officially receive the award.