Seeking Help is a Sign of Strength  We’re Glad You’re Here.

You Are Not Alone

Whether it’s for you or a friend, you will never get in trouble for speaking out. We are here to help! See below for resources on all types of topics.

Percent of students between 6-17yrs of age have diagnosed depression or anxiety (CDC)

Students with a substance addiction started using before they were 18 (AWA)

If you are in immediate danger, call 911!

Mental Health

Your mental health should be just as much of a priority as your physical health. Seek caring support today:

Crisis / Suicide Prevention Hotline

Text HOME to 741741 or call 1-800-273-8255 to speak with a professional. You deserve to be heard.

Runaway Safeline

Visit their website for a hotline, chat and forum for frequently asked questions: Click Here. Call 1-800-RUNAWAY for 24/7 assistance.


For counseling services on an individual and family level, visit South Community. Click Here for their website.

Physical Health

Don’t let your physical health limit you from achieving your hopes and dreams. Take the first step towards freedom today:

Substance Addiction / Abuse

Drugs, alcohol, vaping, and cigarettes can negatively effect your future goals. Call 1-800-662-4357 to speak with someone who cares.

Ohio Sexual Violence Hotline

 There is no shame in healing. Begin your journey today and join other survivors who have found freedom from sexual abuse. Take the first step by clicking here or call 844-644-6435 for more information.

United Against Violence of Greater Dayton

Bullying can hurt everyone. The following materials will help you learn more about bullying and ways to deal with, reduce, and prevent it. Click Here

Relationship Health

You deserve to be in a healthy relationship where you are treated with love and respect. Start your journey of healing today:

Remedy Live:

Dating Violence

Text the word “Choice” to 494949 for 24/7 support if you or someone you know is experiencing dating violence.


Sextortion is a crime where adults coerce or threaten minors to send them explicit photos. If this is happening to you or a friend, know that you will not get in trouble for reporting this crime. Find out what you should do here

Unplanned Pregnancy

Women’s Centers of Ohio provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, abortion info and options consultations. Check out their website here or text 937-228-2222 for more info!

Abortion Pill Reversal

If you have taken the first abortion pill, it may not be too late to save your pregnancy. Call 877-558-0333 for a 24/7 hotline or visit their website here for more info!

Don’t Wait to

Reach Out

If something is wrong, you’ll never get in trouble for reaching out. Use our resources or find others that can help you in your situation.

hand holding photo


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The ABCs of Learning How to Deal

The ABCs of Learning How to Deal

  Written by: Danny Brooks Relationships can cause a lot of stress, especially if you are dealing with toxic ones, groomers/manipulators, or a lot of conflict. Typically, we talk a lot about how to deal with the relationship, but we do touch on some coping skills...



  Written by: Morgan Snyder Freedom is not what I thought it was. I recently took a test and found out that I am an Enneagram 7. This might not mean much to you, but it is very telling about how I view the world. In short, I avoid pain and discomfort (physical...



  Written by: Kim Danon When I am getting ready to go on vacation, I dread having to think through what all I need to take! The packing process is a painful one for me. I love the excitement of going, but struggle through the details of thinking of all the things...