What we do
High School
Go For The Gold
Go for the Gold engages teens at the High School level on culturally relevant topics such as dating, communication, conflict resolution and how to recognize the red flags associated with abusive relationships. Go for the Gold has been rated by students as “Excellent” or “Very Good” in 11 Southwest Ohio Counties. The program empowers students with an important optimal health message that unmasks the risks associated with teen sexual activity. Our in-class relationship-building program for high school students is now available for your school or youth group!
8th Grade
Aspire encourages students to seek their future goals, including educational and financial success, as well as healthy future marriage and family life.
7th Grade
Quest uses powerful stories to help students along life’s journey. Practical instruction helps students identify their future goals, such as marriage and family, and avoid obstacles such as sexual activity and other risk behaviors that could keep them from achieving their goals.

6th & 7th Grade
Stuck in The Middle
Stuck in the Middle is designed to address adolescence in a way that empowers students to embrace this important stage of development. The program equips students to navigate through the challenges that affect them most, such as friendships, puberty, peer pressure, bullying and instills leadership skills.
Stories of Impact
Students from local schools share what our work has meant to them
It really made me not to just think about my relationships, but about my life. It made me want better for my life.
I liked learning about marriage in this program. I thought it was just a piece of paper or a label, but I
learned it’s much more than that.
This program was very helpful! The part how sex can affect you emotionally and physically definitely explains why it made leaving my ex so much harder.
For the longest time, I didn’t know what I wanted in a person, and I was stuck. You helped me
understand what I need in a person and what I need to work on in myself.
Personally, I remember having you back in my freshman year. During this time I was in an extremely unhealthy relationship. He used all of the grooming tactics. After this program those years ago I got out of my relationship. This program saved and changed my life dramatically. Thank you!
When we talked about sex, it was an eye-opener. Something happened to me over the
summer with a guy, and I had done it but didn’t want to. I told him to stop, and the next
day he never talked to me. He made me feel horrible, but I know now it wasn’t my fault.
I realized what I thought was normal, was the exact opposite. I realized I got taken
advantage of. I am glad I was able to hear all of this and get help.
I really liked this program because it made me think deeper into relationships than before. I think this class should be taught to everyone at some point and required.
It helped me realize that I can’t keep letting people walk over me. I was in an abusive
relationship for 1.5 years, and they justified it by saying they loved me. This showed me that it
was not okay.
This has taught me it is okay to vent to people. I’ve always been afraid. I broke down in tears
after people who I thought were my friends harassed me over a stupid picture, and they laughed
while I cried, so I’ve kept to myself. This program has helped me talk to people again.
I found this presentation very interesting and beneficial for students at our age. It helped me realize a lot about myself and the relationships that I have with other people.
I had an ex boyfriend who I noticed was grooming me and I didn’t notice until this program
taught me this. Please know you should never feel drained like I did in a relationship.
Talking to people is something I struggle with. Also expressing myself, when I get into an argument I
usually get super mad easily and talking it out is not in the picture. This course was the best thing for
me, it changed the way I carry myself. I feel much more confident not speaking with anger and hate but
now I want to hear what the other person has to say.
Let’s Chat
Our presenters use interactive, hands-on activities and discussion to help students understand what it takes to build and maintain healthy relationships that will last a lifetime.